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2020-11-05 09:55  
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摘要:为研究发酵复方党参对断奶仔猪生长性能和血清免疫球蛋白含量的影响,本试验选取225头4周龄的杜长大(DLY)三元杂交仔猪,随机分为5组,每组3个重复,每个重复15头猪。对照组饲喂基础日粮,试验A组添加0.5%发酵党参-黄芪,试验B组添加1.0%的发酵党参-黄芪,试验C组添加0.5%的发酵党参-红芪,试验D组添加1.0%的发酵党参-红芪,试验期为28 d。试验B组和试验D组仔猪头均末重和头均日增重均显著高于对照组(P<0.05),耗料增重比显著低于对照组(P<0.05),头均日采食量无显著差异(P>0.05)。与对照组相比,试验B组和试验D组仔猪血清中IgA含量分别提高了47.06%(P<0.05)和52.94%(P<0.05)。在断奶仔猪日粮中添加1.0%发酵复方党参能显著提高断奶仔猪的生长性能和血清IgA的含量。


Abstract:In order to study the effects of fermented compound codonopsis pilosulaon growth performance and serum immunoglobulin content of weaned piglets, 225 4-week-old three-way DLY hybrid piglets were randomly divided into 5 groups with 3 replicates in each group and 15 piglets in each replicate. The piglets in the control group were fed with a basal diet. Group A was supplemented with 0.5% fermented Codonopsis pilosula-Astragalus mongholicus, group B was added with 1.0% fermented Codonopsis pilosula-Astragalus mongholicus, group C was added with 0.5% fermented Codonopsis pilosula-Radix hedysari, and group D was added with 1.0% fermentedC odonopsis pilosula-Radix hedysari. The experiment lasted 28 days. The results showed that the average end weight and daily gain of piglets in group B and group D were significantly higher than those in the control group (P< 0.05), and the feed gain ratio was significantly lower than that in the control group (P< 0.05), and the average daily feed intake of piglets in group B and group D had no significant difference (P> 0.05). Compared with the control group, the serum IgA content in group B and D increased by 47.06% (P< 0.05) and 52.94% (P< 0.05), respectively. Adding 1.0% fermented compound codonopsis pilosulain the diet of weaned piglets can significantly improve the growth performance and serum IgA content of weaned piglets.

Key words:Fermentation;Codonopsis pilosula; piglets; growth performance; IgA


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