摘要:本研究旨在评价葡萄皮渣的矿物质营养价值。本研究采用原子吸收法测定蛇龙珠、赤霞珠和玛瑟兰等3种不同品种酿酒葡萄皮渣中Na、K、Ca、Mg、Fe、Cu、Mn、Zn的含量,采用原子荧光法测定Se的含量,采用分光光度计法测定P的含量。蛇龙珠葡萄皮渣Na、Mg、P、Fe、Cu、Se元素的含量高于赤霞珠和玛瑟兰葡萄皮渣,蛇龙珠葡萄皮渣的Mg含量高达6 447 mg/kg,玛瑟兰皮渣中的Zn含量显著高于赤霞珠和蛇龙珠。3种葡萄皮渣中,蛇龙珠葡萄皮渣Mg、P、Cu、Fe及Se元素的营养质量指数(Index of nutrition quality,INQ)最高,玛瑟兰和赤霞珠葡萄皮渣的INQ较为接近,3种葡萄皮渣Mn和Zn元素的INQ差异较小。结果表明,赤霞珠、玛瑟兰、蛇龙珠3种葡萄皮渣矿物元素的含量丰富,可以作为食品资源进行开发,同时要注意补充K、Na元素。
Abstract:In order to evaluate the mineral nutritive value and provide foundation for the comprehensive development and utilization of grape pomace, the content of Na, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Mn and Zn in the three types of grape pomace such as Cabernet Gernischet,Cabernet Sauvignon and Marselan were determined by the atomic absorption method. The content of Se was measured by atomic fluorescence method, and the content of P was measured by spectrophotometer. The content of Na, Mg, P, Fe, Cu and Se in the pomace ofCabernet Gernischetwas higher than those of Cabernet Sauvignon and Marselan grape pomace. The content of Mg in Cabernet Gernischt pomace was as high as 6447 mg/Kg, and the content of Zn in Marselan pomace was significantly higher than that of Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Gernischet. The INQ value of Mg, P, Cu, Fe and Se of Cabernet Gernischet was the highest in the three types of grape pomace. The INQ value of Marselan and Cabernet Sauvignon was similar, and the INQ value of Mn and Zn in three types of grape pomace was slightly different. The results showed that Cabernet Sauvignon,Marcelan, and Cabernet Gernischet which were rich in mineral elements, could be used as food resources. Meanwhile, K and Na elements should be supplemented.
Key Words:Grape pomace; mineral elements; nutritive value